Tips & Techniques (Dev)

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"Tips & Techniques" is an IPF document which contains information and "How To's" on each of the following components:

  • Compilers/Languages/Toolkit
  • Communications Manager
  • Database Manager
  • Lan Manager
  • OS/2 Base Operating System
  • Presentation Manager

The purpose of this product is to provide developers and system coordinators with information on OS/2 that is not readily available. It is geared for application development and/or system usage.

This product is intended for the end-user, mainly a technically oriented person, not necessarily a programmer. The information for the Tips have come from Support and the IBMPC Forums. Each tip has been verified here in Austin.


  • Michell H. Pettes
  • M. Kathleen O'Reilly
  • L. Jim Akers
